Download Padre

Building the Portable Padre on Portable Strawberry Perl

(This is mostly important for the Padre development team and not the end user) How to include Padre into Portable Strawberry and how to release it
  1. Download Portable Strawberry
  3. unzip it to c:\portable
  4. Theoretically we should not need this but both portable is a bit buggy and some
    • modules just call out to system("perl") that requires perl to be in PATH. So
    • set the PATH to include both c:\portable\c\bin and c:\portable\perl\bin
  5. Install Padre using
  6. cpan>install Padre
  7. Install Plugins
  8. .padre is currently in C:\ shall we set the PADRE_HOME to a directory in the portable distribution? (if so we can configure the plug-ins and ship them but we have to make sure the configuration files don't include personal history..
  9. remove the cpan_sqlite_log.... files from c:\portable\cpan
  10. remove C:\portable\cpan\build and C:\portable\cpan\sources C:\portable\cpan\Bundle
  11. remove C:\portable\perl\bin\lex which the temporary directory of (~ 80 Mb)
  12. ( the whole portable directory is now 202 Mb including a bare bones parrot and rakudo installation )
  13. copy portablepadre.bat and from the SVN of padre\tools\portable_strawberry to portable\perl\bin
  14. run padre/trunk/tools/
  15. create a zip file and drag all the content of c:\portable\ in it (TODO isn't there a command line tool in portable to create the zip file ?)
  16. The resulting zip file for Padre 0.25 on Portable Strawberry beta 1 was 60 Mb

Parrot and Rakudo

Download git for windows and install it Answers I selected:
  • Use Git Bash only
  • Use OpenSSH (though not really needed)
  • Use Windows style line endings
Download command line SVN for windows and install it Download CollabNet Subversion Command-Line Client
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin
Actual building instructions:
mkdir c:\tools
cd c:\tools
git clone git:// six

cd six
Optionally switch to a rakudo release tag. e.g. ThousandOaks For a list of planned rakudo release, please see:
git checkout ThousandOaks
  2009-11-19   Rakudo #23                      (masak)
  2009-12-17   Rakudo #24                      (chromatic)
  2010-01-21   Rakudo #25                      (smash)
  2010-02-18   Rakudo #26                      (Su-Shee)
perl --gen-parrot --gen-parrot-prefix=c:\strawberry\six
mingw32-make test
mingw32-make install
Copy credits and licenses
copy CREDITS c:\strawberry\six\rakudo_credits.txt
copy LICENSE c:\strawberry\six\rakudo_license.txt
copy parrot\LICENSE c:\strawberry\six\parrot_license.txt
copy parrot\CREDITS c:\strawberry\six\parrot_credits.txt
Remove unneeded files
del c:\strawberry\six\lib\libparrot.a
del c:\strawberry\six\lib\parrot\1.7.0-devel\parrot_config.o

size: 34 MB
zipped size: 7 Mb.
In the Padre repo there is a tools\ that could be refurbished and used to list the files that are needed by rakudo instead of deleting the others. See also Switch back to master
git checkout master