( see this
thread )
This page shows the current status of various packaging attempts for Padre. Successful/current packages for various distributions are listed on the
download page.
The primary distribution channel of Padre and the plugins is CPAN.
Hence for every release first we create a CPAN distribution of Padre
or the plugin and upload it to CPAN. (See the
Release page for details).
Here you will find descriptions (and plans) of distributions based on those CPAN packages:
Downstream distributions
Based on the CPAN package the downstream distributors (Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, FreeBSD etc.)
create their .deb, .rpm etc. files.
The following pages contains information about the people who maintain those packages in those distribution and their status.
Downstream distributions - backporting
I don't think we have any backporting going on.
Downloadable executable - full perl with Padre inside
This is for people who might not want to touch their system or
production perl (e.g. they don't use threaded perl) and people who
don't want to spend 1-2 hours (or sometimes more) installing Padre from CPAN.
There is a plan to create a module called [source:trunk/Perl-Dist-XL/lib/Perl/Dist/XL.pm Perl::Dist::XL] which would create
a full version of perl with Padre (and possibly other things) installed and zipped.
Users will be able to download it, unzip it and run padre from that perl.
They will be able to use either the perl that came with Padre
or any other perl as their 'production perl'.
Primarily we try to make this work for Linux but this should probably work on BSD and
Mac OSX as well. If you are interested in participating please talk to us on IRC.
There is a Padre standalone package available on the download page.
Downloadable executable - based on PAR
PAR based executable: We have tried to make a PAR based executable
but there is a complex issue that currently stops us
(ORLite::Migrate and PAR not working well together) See #294 and #399
For now we have stopped the research in this direction but if you have
the tuits we'll be happy to see a solution. Talk to us, especially tsee and Alias,
Based on !ActivePerl
Padre requires Wx which doesn't build on ActivePerl.
See PackagingWindows.
No idea. Maybe the above [source:trunk/Perl-Dist-XL/lib/Perl/Dist/XL.pm Perl::Dist::XL] will work there too.
See #513 and see #508 for !ActivePerl
Some of the plugins will be distributed by the downstream distributors
and/or will be packaged in the [source:trunk/Perl-Dist-Padre/lib/Perl/Dist/Padre.pm Perl::Dist::Padre] and [source:trunk/Perl-Dist-XL/lib/Perl/Dist/XL.pm Perl::Dist::XL] distributions.
Plugins with PAR
Plugins will be able to be distributed either from CPAN or will be packaged as PAR packages.