Download DWIM Perl (v7).
Released on 12 Feb 2012, the DWIM Perl for Windows package contains
- Strawberry Perl
- Padre 0.94
- Padre::Plugin::PerlCritic, Padre::Plugin::PerlTidy
- Moose
- DBD::mysql, DBD::Pg, DBD::SQLite
- DBIx::Class
- Try::Tiny
- Dancer
- Plack
- Task::Kensho (partially)
- Spreadsheet reader and writer modules
- Win32::GUITest
- Template::Toolkit
- ... a lot more CPAN modules ...
- see DWIM Perl for Windows for further details.
Download from here:
Download size: 47 Mb. After installation it takes up 300 MB.
Note: Having two or more installations of perl on the same Windows machine is possible but you have to make sure the PATH environment variable holds the directories of the one that you wish to use. As this is slightly more complex in Windows than in Linux we recommend that you uninstall every other perl distribution and install the one we provide. This will help avoiding some confusion. The "DWIM Perl for Windows" package includes the perl compiler/interpreter, the additions Strawberry Perl provides and hundreds of additional modules from CPAN.

ActiveState Perl
Mark Dootson provides PPMs for Padre.
Add http://www.wxperl.co.uk/repository
to your list of repositories.
There are Padre PPMs available for:
- MS Windows – Perl 5.12 (32/64 bit), 5.10 (32/64 bit) and 5.8 (32 bit)
- Linux – Perl 5.12 (32/64 bit), 5.10 (32/64 bit) and 5.8 (32 bit)
- Mac OS X (32 bit) – Perl 5.12, 5.10, 5.8

Ubuntu 10.10
sudo apt-get install padre
wget http://www.eekboek.nl/repo/ubuntu_10.10/libwx-perl_0.9702-1_i386.deb
sudo dpkg --install libwx-perl_0.9702-1_i386.deb
Ubuntu 9.10 till 10.04
sudo apt-get install padre
Fedora 11 and later
yum install perl-Padre
Mandriva 2009.0 and later
urpmi perl-Padre
Debian 6.0 (squeeze)
aptitude install padre
Other Linux and *BSD
For installation on other Linux distributions and *BSD, please look at the detailed installation instructions.

Mac OS X
For installation on Mac OS X, please look at the detailed installation instructions.
Please help us by reporting bugs or installation failures to the Padre IRC Channel or Padre GitHub Issues.

Source code from CPAN
The latest released version of Padre can be always found on CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network.
It can be installed using the cpan Padre
command and
the application can be launched by typing padre
on the command line.
Padre is not affiliated with or endorsed by the entities listed here. All logos and trademarks remain the property of their respective registered owners.
Padre is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10 which means either the Artistic license or GPL I.
Copyright 2008-2014 The Padre development teams listed in Padre.pm in the main distribution.