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Automatic Save or Backup

Padre does not have this feature but you can plan one...

Auto-save files (Planned)

Every N seconds all the files changed since the last auto-save are saved to a temporary place maybe in ~/.padre/save.

When the user closes the file, the auto-saved file is removed.

Configurable options: on/off, frequency in seconds


See Padre::Autosave

When Padre opens a file it automatically creates a copy of the original in ~/.padre/backup/PATH where PATH is the same PATH as the full PATH of the file. On Windows the initial drive letter is converted to another subdirectory so c:\dir\file.txt will be saved as ~/padre/backup/c/dir/file.txt.

When a new file is created no need for auto-backup.

When a remote file is opened the backup will probably go to ~/padre/backup_remote/

Configurable options: on/off