Download Padre

Open Resource


  1. Open Padre
  2. Open from the Padre source code
  3. '''Search -> Open Resources...'''
  4. You should see a window with a text box at the top
  5. Type in the letter 'x'
  6. You should see a list of files from the Padre project in the lower part of the window, all having letter 'x' in their name
  7. add the letter 'y' after the x and all the names should disappear
  8. remove the letter 'x'
  9. It should now show only files with the letter 'y' in them (=> bug it now shows 01_compile.t)
  10. click on the first filename in the list and then move to the other items using the Up/Down arrows.
  11. Observe that the path to the actual file appears in the third field of the window.
  12. Double click on one of the files
  13. Observe that the file opens in Padre
  1. Open the "Open Resource" window again using Shift+Ctrl+R
  2. Type in 0 (zero)
  3. See the files appearing
  4. Using the 'Down' arrow move to the lower window
  5. select a file
  6. press ENTER to open the file in padre


I don't know how should this behave if there is no open file