- Open Padre
- Open Padre.pm from the Padre source code
- '''Search -> Open Resources...'''
- You should see a window with a text box at the top
- Type in the letter 'x'
- You should see a list of files from the Padre project in the lower part of the window, all having letter 'x' in their name
- add the letter 'y' after the x and all the names should disappear
- remove the letter 'x'
- It should now show only files with the letter 'y' in them (=> bug it now shows 01_compile.t)
- click on the first filename in the list and then move to the other items using the Up/Down arrows.
- Observe that the path to the actual file appears in the third field of the window.
- Double click on one of the files
- Observe that the file opens in Padre
- Open the "Open Resource" window again using Shift+Ctrl+R
- Type in 0 (zero)
- See the files appearing
- Using the 'Down' arrow move to the lower window
- select a file
- press ENTER to open the file in padre
I don't know how should this behave if there is no open file