Padre provides an easy way to build and analyze regular expressions compatible with Perl 5.
The Regex Editor can be used for building and debugging regular expressions.
- You can open the Regex editor via Tools -> Regex Editor
- At the top you will see 5 check-boxes for the modifiers of the regex
- The first window called Regular Expression is where you can type in the regex. By default you will see \w+ in there
- The Replace with text contains Baz and is interesting when you are trying to build a substitution
- Original text is the place where you should type in sample strings you'd like to match. By default it contains Foo Bar
- Matched text is a copy of the Original text with the actual match (in the default case Foo) being red and underline
- Result from replace contains the result of a substitution. By default it shows. Baz Bar
The regex editor currently provides a single way to build both regexes and substitutes.
- Regex {{{ \d+ }}} Text: {{{ Foo 123 Bar }}}, Expected Match: 123
- Regex {{{ \d* }}} Text: {{{ Foo 123 Bar }}}, Expected Match: empty string before F and to give a warning accordingly (in 0.84 this marks the whole string)
- Regex empty, Text: {{{ Foo 123 Bar }}}, Expected Match: nothing (in 0.84 this marks the whole string)
- Regex {{{ (?=b) }}}, Text: {{{ abc }}}, Expected to Match the empty string between a and b.
For ideas install kregexpeditor or regexxer on Linux or try Regex Coach on Windows See also Regex Buddy.
- Support various versions of the perl 5 regexes (5.8, 5.10, 5.12 etc)
- There should be an option (a selector on this window) to decide which regex dialect to support
- (That is, there are certain new features in the regex engine and information about then under the buttons should be displayed along witht the minimum version required)
- Support Perl 6 style regexes
- Probably the regex and substitute part should be separated. At the top should be
- Regular Expression
- Original text
- Matched text
- Checkbox to enable/disable substitution
- Replace with text window
- Result from replace window
- Also test the Insert button in both match and substitute
- Allow the user to change the delimiters of the regex from // to {} in the editor already