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Regiex Editor


Padre provides an easy way to build and analyze regular expressions compatible with Perl 5.

The Regex Editor can be used for building and debugging regular expressions.

  1. You can open the Regex editor via Tools -> Regex Editor
  2. At the top you will see 5 check-boxes for the modifiers of the regex
  3. The first window called Regular Expression is where you can type in the regex. By default you will see \w+ in there
  4. The Replace with text contains Baz and is interesting when you are trying to build a substitution
  5. Original text is the place where you should type in sample strings you'd like to match. By default it contains Foo Bar
  6. Matched text is a copy of the Original text with the actual match (in the default case Foo) being red and underline
  7. Result from replace contains the result of a substitution. By default it shows. Baz Bar


The regex editor currently provides a single way to build both regexes and substitutes.

  1. Regex {{{ \d+ }}} Text: {{{ Foo 123 Bar }}}, Expected Match: 123
  2. Regex {{{ \d* }}} Text: {{{ Foo 123 Bar }}}, Expected Match: empty string before F and to give a warning accordingly (in 0.84 this marks the whole string)
  3. Regex empty, Text: {{{ Foo 123 Bar }}}, Expected Match: nothing (in 0.84 this marks the whole string)
  4. Regex {{{ (?=b) }}}, Text: {{{ abc }}}, Expected to Match the empty string between a and b.


For ideas install kregexpeditor or regexxer on Linux or try Regex Coach on Windows See also Regex Buddy.

  • Support various versions of the perl 5 regexes (5.8, 5.10, 5.12 etc)
    • There should be an option (a selector on this window) to decide which regex dialect to support
    • (That is, there are certain new features in the regex engine and information about then under the buttons should be displayed along witht the minimum version required)
  • Support Perl 6 style regexes
  • Probably the regex and substitute part should be separated. At the top should be
    • Regular Expression
    • Original text
    • Matched text
    • Checkbox to enable/disable substitution
    • Replace with text window
    • Result from replace window
  • Also test the Insert button in both match and substitute
  • Allow the user to change the delimiters of the regex from // to {} in the editor already