To Enable {{{Padre::Plugin::Nopaste}}} in Padre, go to Tools->Plug-in Manager, select Nopaste in left area, then click preferences to open dialog and save your chosen service and #channel. Or just let it default to Shadowcat and #padre.
You can gain access to the Prefs dialog via context menu (right mouse)
Please note version compatibility, it's important, you can check what version is installed for {{{Nopaste}}} use Plug-in Manager for Padre look in Help -> About -> Information
Padre::Plugin::Nopaste v0.06 on Padre 0.96
Padre Plug-in Manager

Usage Ctrl+Shift+V
* works against whole file or selected text.supported Nopaste services
/whois server- Codepeek
- Debian
- Gist
- PastebinCom
- Pastie
- Shadowcat (Channel: #distzilla #perl-help #padre #soap-lite #angerwhale #rt +#perlde +#p5p #tt #iusethis #reaction #handel +#moose #poe #cometd #pita #dbix-class #catalyst)
- Snitch
- Ubuntu
- ssh
You must have a nickname set- look in Tools -> Preferences -> Advance
- you might like to set your name and e-mail while you are there :) why you might ask, well this is a plugin and nickname is in Padre core, just being respectful to core :)