Before you submit a bug report please make sure
- You are using the latest released version of Padre
- Check if there is already a ticket with the same issue, maybe even fixed on master.
- You might want to ask around on our mailing list or on #padre on
- In the report please provide the details of your Operating system, Perl version number, version of Wx and wxWidgtes
- From Padre 0.92 you can get system information from Padre Help->About->Information just copy and past it in your ticket. (sample below)
- In addition please describe how did you install Padre?
- from CPAN?
- downloaded binary executable from our web site?
- ppm?
- rpm or deb of your operating system vendor?
- Please try to describe clearly how we can reproduce the bug
- A very good read is How to Report Bugs Effectively
$ perl -v $ perl -MWx -e'printf(qq(Wx Version=($Wx::VERSION) %s unicode=(%s)\n), Wx::wxVERSION_STRING(), Wx::wxUNICODE())'on Windows:
c> perl -v c> perl -MWx -e"printf(qq(Wx Version=($Wx::VERSION) %s unicode=(%s)\n), Wx::wxVERSION_STRING(), Wx::wxUNICODE())"on Mac:
$ perl -v $ wxPerl -MWx -e'printf(qq(Wx Version=($Wx::VERSION) %s unicode=(%s)\n), Wx::wxVERSION_STRING(), Wx::wxUNICODE())'
- Please also provide a description how to reproduce the bug
- That there is no such request yet
- It might be easier to find a ticket as they are mostly categorized according to the feature they are related to.
- Please describe a use case for the feature
- If you have examples of other IDEs or editors providing a similar feature, please let us know and explain the details
Padre 0.94 Core... osname linux archname i686-linux-thread-multi Distribution Ubuntu 11.04 Kernel 2.6.38-13-generic Perl 5.14.2 Threads 3 RAM 175.2MB Wx... Wx 0.9903 WxWidgets 2.8.11 unicode 1 Alien::wxWidgets 0.54 Wx::Perl::ProcessStream 0.30 Wx::Scintilla 0.36 Other... PPI 1.215 Debug::Client 0.16 Config /home/kevin/.local/share/.padre